Weird War Tales #1 - I do rather love some hot anthology action and I do rather love weird, so this was a particularly comfortable fit in my alley. It's really slim though, and the $3.99 price tag seemingly is justified by a glossy fucking cover is a bit of a cheek. It also served to remind me that there was a Weird War Tales one-shot from Vertigo years ago that I must pick up at some point.

American Vampire # 6 - I've been digging this series, it's yankie vamps in the 1920's. This issue sees the start of a new storyline set in Vegas baby. Great cover too.
Daytripper #10 - And with that we bid Daytripper adieu. It's been one of my favourite series of the last 12 months and I've saved up the last couple of issues to read in one go. It's slice of life (and death) and death stuff set in very real-world Brazil. Twins Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon have really treated us with this. Highly recomended.
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