Howdy Folks! I must apologise for my state as I am bringing you this What I Got and Why from planet drunk! I made my way to that haven of comicdom that is Orbital on Friday eve and bought myself a real bag o' tricks; a fine haul indeed. Let me tell you all about it... I may even add pictures when I'm sober, but please enjoy my impeccably spelt drunken ramblings.
Atlas #5 - With this issue we (super hero comic book fans with taste) bid adieu to Marvel's finest super team. I must say that if you don't want to read about a Gorilla Man, an Atlantean Warrior Princess, a Roman Love Goddess, a Uranian Ubermensch named Bob and a killer Human Robot fighting crime alongside kick ass FBI agent, Jimmy Woo and his timeless untrustworthy Dragon advisor Mr Lao, then you really need to think about whether comic books are for you. Buy the first Agents of Atlas collection or I will hit you.
Captain America #610 - Here we have the resolution of new(ish) Captain America, Bucky's showdown with the son of the man who ruined his life so many years ago. I truly hold writer Ed Brubaker's run on Captain America as some of the finest super hero comic book writing this side of the new millennium, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop this title. I thoroughly recommend people pick up Volume One of this series in trade, but I think with this issue I'm bailing out. Don't hold me to it, but I think Brubaker's said all he has to say with the characters and has been treading water for the past 6 months or so. Adieu mon capitan!
Wetworks: Mutations #1 - After my empassioned eulogy of the Wildstorm Universe this week, I was heartened to find this title on the shipping list. I missed a Wetworks reboot a few years back, but I really loved the initial incaration of this team so I thought I'd give this one shot a go. Interestingly, it's written by the man mountain Kevin Grevioux, chief werewolf and writer of the Underworld movies, which one could argue nicked their back story wholesale from Wetworks original incarnation.
Vertigo Back Issues
Because I can't help myself, I picked up issues 2 and 3 of Millennium Fever, a romantic story written by Nick Abadzis and drawn by the inimitable genius that is Duncan Fegredo. Published in 1995.
Howdy Folks! I must apologise for my state as I am bringing you this What I Got and Why from planet drunk! I made my way to that haven of comicdom that is Orbital on Friday eve and bought myself a real bag o' tricks; a fine haul indeed. Let me tell you all about it... I may even add pictures when I'm sober, but please enjoy my impeccably spelt drunken ramblings.

Vertigo Back Issues

I also picked up Elvis Must Die from the second hand section; a story with a premise so good I'll dedicate a post to it. More soon.
CLiNt #2 - The magazine bits of #1 were fucking awful, but there is still an abundance of comic book funtimes to be had from this periodical. A wonderful use for the money that, let's face it was burning a hole in your pocket anyway.
Dodgem Logic #5 - 2Badguys reader Nightwatchman inspired me to pick up Dodgem Logic, Alan Moore's very own glossy magazine, as a contrast to Mark Millar's CLiNT, and from flicking through, I am very pleased with this product. It looks like a great read. I do warn readers not to open pages willy nilly on public transport as fairly early on there's a graphic cock-shot which I'm sure alarmed the chap reading over my shoulder on the Piccadilly Line. Nothing to do with comics, but looks like a great magazine.
Apparently no one has Love and Rockets: The New Stories Volume 3. This is annoying.

Dodgem Logic #5 - 2Badguys reader Nightwatchman inspired me to pick up Dodgem Logic, Alan Moore's very own glossy magazine, as a contrast to Mark Millar's CLiNT, and from flicking through, I am very pleased with this product. It looks like a great read. I do warn readers not to open pages willy nilly on public transport as fairly early on there's a graphic cock-shot which I'm sure alarmed the chap reading over my shoulder on the Piccadilly Line. Nothing to do with comics, but looks like a great magazine.
Apparently no one has Love and Rockets: The New Stories Volume 3. This is annoying.
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