Aloha Chums! I picked up quite the haul this week, from the fine and friendly establishment that is Chaos City Comics in sleepy St Albans. It was a perilous journey, fraught with danger and worsened by the fact that I'd been up all night with friends and wine the night before like the bourgeois pig that I am. Anyway I came, I bought, I err... went home and blogged about it.
Star Trek: Infestation #1 - "He's dead Jim". Good clean fun.
Transformers: Infestation #1 - I don't normally read Transformers books so I don't know what sort of status quo they're running on, but if you've seen the original movie you'll know who everyone is. It's a stupid and confusing book but good fun nonetheless. What do you expect though?
New York Five #1 - I picked this up as a try out. I'll do a proper review, but it's written Brian Wood whose work I have a love/hate relationship with. It always piques my interest and he always picks fantastic artists to work with, but I'm almost invariably disappointed by the end product. I'll save that rant for the review though. Looks like classy stuff.
Sir Edward Grey: Witchfinder #1 - I don't read much by Dark Horse but I'm often temped. This one stuck out for it's period setting. I'll post a proper review of this one in the week.
Knight and Squire #5 - An absolutely bloody brilliant issue of this excellent series. Top Hole!
Jonah Hex #39 & 56 - To make up for not being able to get the latest issue I picked up two issues I didn't already have. At least I think I don't have them... Anyone want an issue of Jonah Hex?
Incognito: Bad Influences #3 - I'm looking forward to reading all three issues in one sitting.
The Walking Dead #82 - Always a winner. It does say something about the state of the market though that I bought three books about zombies without even trying.

Wolverine #1000 - Stan only knows how he's on #1000, perhaps Marvel just have gremlins, but I digress. This issue is an anthology, and although I don't read the regular books, I do love Wolverine stories. I've been burned before but I'm hoping this one will be a winner. I really like the look of the story with the young girl who wants to be Wolvie. Fingers crossed.
Chaos War #5 - Thus ends the saga of The Incredible Hercules. It's been a wild ride and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Casanova: Gula II - Beautiful artwork from Fabio Moon, crazy tales by Matt Fraction. Good job all round. I missed this series first time around, but I can see why it got so much hype.
Iron Fist's new costume is the result of some magic shit in New Avengers, when he was being controlled by Agamotto.
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