Saturday, 24 December 2011
Unpopular Opinions!
Posted by 2badguys at 16:35 1 comments
Labels: Deadpool, iPad, Nerd Rage, Opinions, Phonogram, Scott Pilgrim, Technology, Valhallahan
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Block Mania!
This week Brit Cit has been awash with Block Wars. Beware citizens and remember:
Be pure!
Be Vigilant!
Posted by 2badguys at 20:55 1 comments
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Whitewashing Mega City One?
Exhibits A and B |
McGruder in post |
McGruder taking The Long Walk |
McGruder post-Necropolis |
As an aside, in the 1995 "Judge Dredd" movie starring John Spartan, McGruder is portrayed as white. But then again, I wouldn't even know where to begin, listing the problems whith that movie.
Posted by 2badguys at 17:58 1 comments
Labels: 2000AD, Chief Judge McGruder, Judge Dredd, Race, UK Comics, Valhallahan, Whitewashing
Friday, 1 July 2011
Happy Canada Day!
Posted by 2badguys at 14:04 0 comments
Friday, 24 June 2011
Gene Colan 1926 - 2011
His work was fantastic and he could surely show some of these young'uns a thing or two.
Posted by 2badguys at 22:01 0 comments
Labels: Action Ash, Gene Colan, Obituaries
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
ValhallahanI spent the weekend bouncing around the bars of Norwich drinking my body weight in cheap Bourbon. I've lost my voice and gained the shakes, but thankfully I had the presence of mind to fill my boots with Vertigo back issues at Norwich's own Abstract Sprocket when I first got to town, so I've a great deal to read in my recovery.
4 Horsemen, American Century, American Freak, Battleaxes, Chiarascuro, Congo Bill, The Crusades, Doom Patrol, Enigma, The Extremist, Faith, Fault Lines, Flinch, Ghost Dancing, Goddess, House of Secrets, Millenium Fever, Jonah Hex: Riders on the Worm and Such, Seven Miles Per Second, Solo, Strange Adventures, Vertigo Pop: Tokyo.
Posted by 2badguys at 12:33 0 comments
Labels: IRL, Valhallahan, Vertigo
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Isle of 100,000 Graves
Action Ash
This year I've been getting into the works of the Norwegian cartoonist Jason. I had seen his books around and online and they had always intrigued me with their animal characters and their simplistic, minimalist aesthetic. I finally gave in to curiosity and bought The Left Bank Gang, and I was not disappointed, which lead to me also purchasing The Last Musketeer. Now I'm a fan and have been waiting anxiously for his latest offering to be released, which it was last week.
The story is that of a young girl named Gwenny (often referred to as "that ugly little girl") who recruits a pirate crew to take her to the Isle of 100,000 Graves so she can find out what happened to her missing father. While there, it is discovered the island is home to a school for executioners and torturers and that is where the adventure really begins.
Isle of 100,000 Graves is the first work of Jason's to be written by someone other than himself. Boy, did he choose a good one! The scribe for this comedic pirate adventure story is none other than French comic writer Fabien Vehlmann, writer of the WWII adventure drama 7 Psychopaths (you can the bad guy's review of that here). Vehlmann and Jason seem to share the same sense of humour. As I was reading the story it seemed so much like the previous Jason books I had devoured. Also the pacing was very similar, which made me wonder if Vehlmann was trying his hardest to write a "Jason" story. However, thinking back on 7 Psychopaths I can easily see the similarity in pacing and humour and, also, could totally imagine it being illustrated by Jason. Although that would completely change the tone, so wonderfully set by Sean Phillips.
Visually it is much the same as Jason's other works, which in my opinion are stunning in their simplicity. The sparse composition of the panels, the 'ligne claire' art style (yeah, I just got pretentious on yo' ass) and the fantastic use of negative space all add to the understated, dead pan wit of the tale.
A fun and entertaining adventure that just goes towards further proving the talent of these men.
5 ugly little girls blackmailing dead pan pirates out of 5
Posted by 2badguys at 17:22 0 comments
Labels: Action Ash, Fabien Vehlmann, Jason
Monday, 13 June 2011
Missing In Action: Image United
Posted by 2badguys at 12:50 0 comments
Labels: Image, Liefeld, Missing in Action, Shithouse, Valhallahan
Flashpoint: Batman: Knight of Vengeance #1 Review
Posted by 2badguys at 09:17 1 comments
Labels: Batman, DC, Flashpoint, The Flash, Valhallahan
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Well Who'd A Thunk
The video is here, if you're that bloody bored.
Posted by 2badguys at 17:23 0 comments
Labels: X-men
Monday, 6 June 2011
X-Men: First Class
Posted by 2badguys at 20:17 1 comments
Labels: First Class, Magneto, Marvel, Movies, Reviews, Valhallahan, X-men
Sunday, 5 June 2011
What Is Wrong With You People? (A voyage into the DC readership Part One)
Some people just don’t know when they’re on to a good thing. In this series I'll share some examples from three of my favourite books.

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Vertigo's I, Zombie #1 |
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Jim Lee's X-Men #1 |
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Vertigo's Sweet Tooth #1 |
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David Finch's Psylocke #2 |
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Vertigo's American Vampire #1 |
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Vertigo's Hellblazer #275 |
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Ivan Reis' Blackest Night #0 |
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Vertigo's Scalped #38 |
I guess it’s a matter of taste. Whether you have any, that is.
Stay tuned for parts two and three where I look at the letters from Hellblazer and Jonah Hex!

Posted by 2badguys at 11:31 0 comments
Labels: DC, Nerd Rage, Readers, Scalped, Shithouse, sweet tooth, Valhallahan, Vertigo
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Crisis of Creative Competence!
Action Ash
So, in case you haven't heard, in the wake of Flashpoint DC are restarting all titles from #1 and rebooting continuity to be more "contemporary" and more relevant to "today's audience". To top it all off, over 50 characters are going to be redesigned by Jim "add a jacket" Lee, apparently making them "more identifiable and accessible to comic fans new and old". What's more identifiable than Superman or Batman, I ask? Are they not two of the most iconic characters in pop culture history? Recognised the world over across a plethora of media? Apparently that's not good enough. Jim, get the jackets ready.
Of course I speak of only their physical appearance. DC probably meant identifiable as characters also. I for one will feel able to relate more to the orphaned billionaire turned vigilante, the indestructible alien super god, the super powered amazonian princess, the test pilot in charge of the most powerful weapon in the universe and the man who can run faster than the speed of light, if redrawn worse than before by an artist past his prime.
DC also claim that they are aiming to retell their character's stories while making them "reflect today's real world themes and events" and that "This was a chance to start, not at the beginning, but at a point where our characters are younger and the stories are being told for today's audience." So in other words, they're trying to be down with the kids. If I wanted to read about the Justice League as whiny youngsters I'd read Teen Titans. Did they not think that their continuity was convoluted enough, without adding "Post Flashpoint" to the list?
This is a most HEINOUS crime DC comics. I hope you're ready for the geek shit storm.
UPDATE: Here is a sneak preview of Jim Lee's redesigns, surprisingly sans jackets. He must of learnt his lesson after the Wonder Woman incident. The new Superman shield is truly bogus! All in all, not as bad as I thought they were going to be but an unnecessary waste of time. Click to make bigger.
Posted by 2badguys at 01:46 1 comments
Labels: Action Ash, DC, Jim Lee
Monday, 9 May 2011
Carlos Trillo RIP
Posted by 2badguys at 23:03 0 comments
Labels: RIP
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Conan Trailer
Action Ash
The full length trailer for the new Conan the Barbarian film is out, and I must say I don't know what to think. It just doesn't seem very...Conan. It looks like every other action fantasy film. I dunno, I think I'll have to see the film before I make a proper judgement.
Check it out for yourselves and let the bad guys know what you think.
Posted by 2badguys at 15:03 0 comments
Saturday, 30 April 2011
The Mighty Thor #1
The Mighty Thor #1
Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Olivier Coipel
Action Ash
I have yet to see the motion picture known as Thor. I'm not particularly happy about this, so to console myself I have decided to review the first issue of the new ongoing The Mighty Thor. The original title has reverted back to Journey into Mystery but seems to be concentrating on Loki, so I guess this is where Thor's main adventures will happen from now on.
Firstly, it looks great! I'm not surprised by this as I've always enjoyed Coipel's work. Asgard looks epic, as it should, and human and fantasy creatures alike are handled with great mastery. Laura Martin leads a trio of colourists that beautifully embellish the art, making the mundane, the cosmic and the fantastical equally attractive to look at. I praised Miss Martin recently in my post about Fear itself. This is the first time I've noticed a colourist as much as I would an artist, and I thoroughly enjoy her work.
Story wise not much happens, however it seems that this is just a set up for what could possibly be an epic meeting of Galactus and Thor. I enjoyed the side plot concerning the citizens of Broxton and their collective crisis of faith due to living so close to divine beings and witnessing their exploits. Also I enjoyed the dialogue. It was well crafted and notably every character had their own "voice" and expressed themselves according to how that character would speak (unlike a Bendis book).
Nice read, but doesn't take long. Looking forward to seeing where it goes.
3 sticks of "great stabbing" out of 5
Posted by 2badguys at 13:55 0 comments
Labels: Action Ash, Laura Martin, Matt Fraction, Olivier Coipel, The Mighty Thor
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Fear itself: The crossover I've been waiting for.
Action Ash
Having read the one shot prologue and first issue of Fear Itself I am excited. I haven't been properly excited about a crossover since Civil War. I skipped Secret Invasion ("OMG! Everyone's a Skrull") because it didn't look particularly good and from what I've since heard from other people, it wasn't. I enjoyed the Dark Reign equilibrium but that obviously had to come to an end, which it did in a massively disappointing four issue fight sequence (the highlight of which, for me, was the Sentry being killed off and thrown into the sun). The most recent of these events, Shadowland, was good but it was a relatively small one and didn't quite fill the hole within me.
Now Fear itself is here, the first issue of which certainly grabbed my attention. And the best thing about it? It actually has a story. There is a bit action in the issue but not too much because the creators want to present to you the beginnings of a Sci-fi/Fantasy epic. The artwork does not let it down either. Immonen has beautifully crafted each page with the aid of Laura Martin, whose vibrant colours bring the pages to life.
I loved the first issue and I'm hoping it will stay this good throughout.I recommend anyone with an interest in superhero fiction trying this because I think it's what we've been waiting for. I look forward to the next issue, I think it will be most excellent and I hope I'm not wrong.
Posted by 2badguys at 14:11 1 comments
Labels: Action Ash, Fear Itself, Matt Fraction, Stuart Immonen
Monday, 4 April 2011
The Comic Books of March: A Valhallahan's Eye View
Joe The Barbarian #8
Jonah Hex #65
Posted by 2badguys at 14:04 1 comments
Labels: Casanova, GI JOE, Incognito, Infestation, izombie, Joe The Barbarian, Jonah Hex, Knight and Squire, New York Five, Paul Cornell, Scalped, sweet tooth, Valhallahan, Vertigo, What I Got, Xombi