Tuesday, 21 June 2011


ValhallahanI spent the weekend bouncing around the bars of Norwich drinking my body weight in cheap Bourbon. I've lost my voice and gained the shakes, but thankfully I had the presence of mind to fill my boots with Vertigo back issues at Norwich's own Abstract Sprocket when I first got to town, so I've a great deal to read in my recovery.

Purchases included:
4 Horsemen, American Century, American Freak, Battleaxes, Chiarascuro, Congo Bill, The Crusades, Doom Patrol, Enigma, The Extremist, Faith, Fault Lines, Flinch, Ghost Dancing, Goddess, House of Secrets, Millenium Fever, Jonah Hex: Riders on the Worm and Such, Seven Miles Per Second, Solo, Strange Adventures, Vertigo Pop: Tokyo.

I also had time to read Jeff Parker's The Inter Man and  Pat Mills and Leigh Gallagher's Defoe:1666 on the train. Reviews to come!